Modul 10286
Management von Kooperationen und Netzwerken


Master International Tourism Management (M.A.)

Prüfungsordnungen: ab WS 17/18 (BWL/TM/WiPsy/WiR/ITM/EI/EP),  ab WS 19/20 (ITM / MuT / GE)
Semester: 3

Exchange Programme (EP)

Prüfungsordnungen: ab WS 17/18 (BWL/TM/WiPsy/WiR/ITM/EI/EP),  ab WS 19/20 (ITM / MuT / GE)
Semester: 1, 2, 3

ModulbezeichnungManagement von Kooperationen und Netzwerken
Englische ModulbezeichnungNetwork and cooperation management

Die Prüfungsleistung wird zu Beginn der Veranstaltung durch den / die Dozenten/in bekannt gegeben.

ModulverantwortlicherProf. Dr. Bernd Eisenstein
Dozent MBA / M.A. Sonja Göttel
SpracheDeutsch / Englisch


Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse




Lernziele / Kompetenzen

On the basis of a holistic analysis of networks and cooperations in tourism, the students will gain competencies for understanding (inter-organizational) networks and cooperation processes, reflect on their importance for business practice and develop instruments and tools for establishing and managing professional networks. This includes the knowledge and critical reflection of relevant literature and selected case studies, identification of central issues and the transfer of possible solutions for selected problems. In addition to subject-specific knowledge, this course aims to develop the students’ competences in teamwork, critical thinking, analytical proficiency, and discussion and presentation skills.


The tourism industry is characterized by a highly fragmented market structure aligning diverse, often small and medium-sized companies, along the tourism value chain. Successful business operations do no longer only depend on managing internal competences, but more and more on the ability to establish and manage networks and cooperational structures and processes. Networks can be a mean for small local companies to considerably increase their competitiveness on the global market, but are likewise used by mayor global players to reduce risks and increase efficiency. Many tourism experts consider network management competencies to become THE key management requirement in future. The course gives a comprehensive introduction to tourism network management. It displays and discusses different forms of (inter- organizational) networks and cooperations, both within the tourism industry as with partners from other industries. The course will cover the following main topics:

• Network and cooperations: definitions and central topics

• Network management theories

• Different forms of networks and cooperations

• Network analysis

• Advantages and disadvantages of networks

• Requirements for network management/ network managers

• Establishing and developing networks

• Success factors for network management

• Cooperative destination development

• Knowledge management and communication within networks

The lectures will be supported by critical analysis of selected case studies, group work and group discussions.

Prüfungsleistung Klausur
mündliche Prüfung
klausurähnliche Computeranwendung

beamer, blackboard, overhead, lectures, literature reading, case studies


Michael, E. [ed.], Micro-Clusters and Networks: The Growth of Tourism, Oxford. in der jeweils aktuellen Auflage

Ramos, P.P.,Network models for organizations. The flexible design of 21st.century companies, New York. in der jeweils aktuellen Auflage

Scott, N. / Laws, E. [eds.], Advances in service network analysis, New York. in der jeweils aktuellen Auflage

Scott, N./ Baggio, R./ Cooper, C., Network analysis and tourism: from theory to practice, Clevedon. in der jeweils aktuellen Auflage

Additional literature will be announced during class.