Modul 10523
Advanced Sustainable Tour Operator Management


Exchange Programme (EP)

Prüfungsordnungen: ab WS 17/18 (BWL/TM/WiPsy/WiR/ITM/EI/EP),  ab WS 18/19 (Immo / UGS)
Semester: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Bachelor International Tourism Management (B.A.)

Prüfungsordnungen: ab WS 17/18 (BWL/TM/WiPsy/WiR/ITM/EI/EP),  ab WS 19/20 (ITM / MuT / GE)
Semester: 5
Schwerpunkte: Tour Operator Management,  Tourismus und Nachhaltigkeit

ModulbezeichnungAdvanced Sustainable Tour Operator Management
Englische ModulbezeichnungAdvanced Sustainable Tour Operator Management
KurztitelSust. Tour Operator Management

Studienleistung: Tour operator impact report analysis and presentation

Nachfolger für das Modul 10191 "Nachhaltigkeit bei Reiseveranstaltern und ihren Partner"‘ sowie für die Module 10466 und 10467

ModulverantwortlicherProf. Dr. Anja Wollesen
Dozent M.A. Olav Clemens

4 SWS: 2 SWS Lecture, 2 SWS Seminar

Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse




Lernziele / Kompetenzen

Students get to know the complex German and international tour operator markets. They learn to understand the principles of sustainable tour operating and are able to transfer and apply them to individually selected destinations/regions/tour operators. Using case studies, the specific challenges of sustainable tourism for tour operators will be analysed and discussed. Students learn to classify opportunities and limitations of sustainable action pertaining to tour operators and will be able to develop solutions and action plans considering the triple bottom line on their own account.


- Impacts of tourism (including cruise tourism), market trends and product development - SDGs and their influence on tourism concepts and internal/external communication - Tour operator sustainability management (incl. supply chain management) - CSR and social enterprise in tourism - Involvement and participation of local stakeholders - Human rights and tourism - Management opportunities for destinations affected by overtourism - Effects of climate change on tourism - Crisis management

Studienleistung Presentation
Prüfungsleistung Hausarbeit + Präsentation

Beamer, video, internet research


Buckley, R.: Sustainable Tourism: Research and Reality Epler Wood, M. Sustainable Tourism on a Finite Planet Global Sustainable Tourism Council, Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria for Hotels and Tour Operators. Online at: Global Sustainable Tourism Council, Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria for Destinations and Suggested Performance Criteria (GSTC-D). Online at: Jauhari, V., Managing Sustainability in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Paradigms and Directions for the Future (Advances in Hospitality and Tourism). Mundt, J.: Reiseveranstaltung, latest edition Peeters/Gössling/et al.: Research for TRAN Committee - Overtourism: impact and possible policy responses Dörnberg, A. von et al.: Reiseveranstalter-Management – Funktionen, Strukturen, Management, Oldenbourg 2013 Rein, H./Strasdas, W., Nachhaltiger Tourismus UNWTO, Understanding and Managing Urban Tourism Growth beyond Perceptions Various Websites: IAATO, G-Adventures, Planeterra, National Geographic, etc. Various tour operator catalogues (Studiosus, ZEIT, Chamäleon, Forum anders reisen, TUI, etc.) WTTC/McKinsey & Company, Coping with Success, Managing Overcrowding in Tourism Destinations